[Pattern recognition] Linear regression & Classification
본 포스팅은 패턴인식 수업 수강 후 Linear regression & Classification 에 대한 기본적인 지식들에 대해 복습할 기회 제공을 위해 개인적으로 만든 복습 문제 및 정답 포스팅입니다.
What is the formula for optimal goal of linear regression?
What is the formula for realistic goal of linear regression?
What is the differentiate of matrix?
What is the Normal-equation?
Can we optimize the Normal-equation?
What is the Hessian-matrix? (Machine learning perspective)
What is the parameter?
What is the hyper-parameter?
What is the formula of gradient descent?
- $E_out (h)=E[(h(x)-y)^2]$
- Finding $h(x)$ for optimizing $E_out(h)$
- $E_in (h)=1/N Ssigma_{n=0}^{N}$
$(h(x_n )-y_n )^2 = 1/N \Sigma_(n=1)^N$
$(w^T x_n-y_n )^2=1/N ( Xw-y ) ^2$ - $h(x)= \Sigma_(i=0)^d w_i x_i=w^T x$
If $X^T X$ can be invertable, W can have unique solution. Or W can have non-unique solution.
The matrix able to proving that loss is convex.
The variables optimized by machine.
The variables determined by human.
$w(t+1) = w(t) - n\nabla(E_(train(w(t))))$.